Jana Machatova, 2022, Slovakia


Jewellery is essentially a personal object which is why memories are naturally part of it. In my work I draw inspiration from a personal and societal cultural memory, I use found objects, family photographs, old newspapers and postcards. I am trying to bring a memory back to life. My ambition is to build a temporal bridge between the past and the future. In last pieces I turned back to my memories from my childhood again. I grew up in a panel building in housing estate. I use panorama of my home town in my pieces, I imprint ground plan of our flat in porcelain, its ability to hold traces perfect fit to my project. In contrast to sentimentality related with living in a safe home, I am dealing with the theme borderline as a dangerous place in cold war. Every place holds traces of many life stories, it is a palimpsest of human destinies and memories of places layer in our minds.