Serena Holm, Sweden


Sengen-Sama is a Japanese goddess of fertility. According to the legend, Sengen-Sama makes flowers bloom, and similarly she can make our lives blossom into maturity. She is also the essence of cherry blossoms, which represent the beauty and fragility of life. In my Sengen-Sama, a chain built of loops shaped like the infinity sign and painted in shades of green ends in a flower made of cast silver enamelled in all the colours of the rainbow and five dolls joined at the hips. Each doll portrays a human ability. Five senses: sight, hearing, speech, imagination and humour. One of them also carries a prosthesis, a symbol of both the ephemeral and the creative. Sengen-Sama represents our bond to life and to each Other.

Silver, antique doll parts, glass, coral, enamel, 8×8×3cm