Masako Onodera, USA
As a metalsmith I find interest in silver-plated house wares in antique stores, which are rarely used at home nowadays. It is hard to keep them in good condition and not to ruin the top layer of silver. These objects of very low monetary value have pretended to be “family inheritance” and became just a symbol of the female family members in the past in someone’s home.
Objects exist for decades, centuries or even millennia. Their functions transform over time from utilitarian to symbolic, from direct use by their owners to a ritual, indirect use. Despite their inanimate existence they stipulate a sense of space and time with their tactile and visual sensations. I am attracted to their quiet, flexible but robust presence. Objects are loaded with their stories and functions as well as the trace of hands that have touched them.
Leather, silver-plated parts of jugs, thread, cotton, sterling silver