Jurgita Erminaitė-Šimkuvienė, 2020, Lithuania


The main museum of my works is the space underneath my bed. That is where my pieces end up most often after exhibitions. When I learnt the theme, “Museum”, I got under my bed once again – not out of fear or to stick there yet another of my exhibits, but hoping that I could find my inspiration there just like I’d done in the past, as well as in the children’s treasure chests. And I did find it – this time, a dried banana. I pulled it out as the most precious find and hung it in the most visible place above the kitchen table to make it even more beautiful. I don’t know if that did beautify it – the most beautiful things probably happen away from the eyes, but that was enough for me to “sew” clothes for an invisible person. Although I did I have an idea who they could fit and who could finally raise their hat…