Estela Saez, Estonia

Leila; Nakhla; Habibi II;

“Maybe Days” is series of jewellery pieces; inspired by the time I spent in the Middle East. The pieces are an expression of the memories kept in my mind as of the mystic experiences in post- revolutionary Cairo. The moon-like landscape, the people, the culture and the specific energy that this part of the world offers is unique. Sterling silver has been textured with Egyptian papyrus, silver as the moon, and Papyrus as the sun; symbolizing the eternal relationship existing between these two.
In addition, the tourmalines are expressing the little green of life and hope within an ocean of sand and dust.
“Maybe days” is an extraordinary opportunity to make rather visible my truthful commitment to understand jewellery that goes beyond the tangible body”

Silver textured papyrus/tourmalines; Silver textured/tourmalines; Silver textured papyrus/tourmalines/silk;