Arisa Inoue, Japan / Germany

Our Treasury-Vanitas; Our Treasury-Secrets; Our Treasury-Vanitas/Scent; Our Treasury-Rooms 1; Our Treasury-Rooms 2;

Most of us as human are able to speak and communicate everyday, using the mouth which is the part of our body.When we can’t communicate with our mouths, we can also use our hands to write and convey information.Conversations, phone calls, letters, emails. We are creatures who can tell our daily stories with words in many ways. However, sometimes there is a story deep within us that can’t be conveyed by only words.
That is why we need to weave a story in the language of art, a language that is more powerful than explain by words.I believe in the potential of Object as an artwork which can tell the Stories beyond language.

Silver, can, steel, paint, silk string 2022; Silver, can, steel, paint, silk string 2022; Silver, can, steel, paint, silk string 2022; Silver, can, steel, cotton 2022; Silver, can, steel, glue, paper, cotton;